The standard functioning of the horizontal high bottom truck insect screen is with the dumpster placed on the left compare to a person, who standing inside, looks outside his home.
If, for any reason, that could be convenvience or personal taste, you want to make the horizontal high bottom truck insect screen work, assembling the dumpster on the left there are some structural changes that need to be done, as follows:
Rotation of the dumpster of 180°. What was previously the lower cap (spring side) will now be inserted at the top of the box and what was previously the upper cap (brake side) will be inserted at the bottom of the box.
As shown in the assembly instructions, the compensation spring (M) has always to be placed upwards on the dumpster, both when the dumpster is on the left or on the right of the insect screen.
Exchange of the closing guide caps position. The cap (S), which has its functioning on the left, was closing the inferior guide, having its functioning on the right will be closing the superior guide. Viceversa, the cap (D), which has its functioning on the left was closing the superior guide, having its functioning on the right will be closing the inferior guide.
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